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Five minutes with Logan Jewett

Logan Jewett discovered programming while studying to become an astronaut. Today, he helps clients build better, smarter solutions to their customers’ challenges.

Five minutes with Arlette Thibodeau

Arlette has helped clients like Apple, Toyota and Sony use technology to develop processes and products that work for humans.

What Happens When an Extrovert Returns to the Office?

Am I the only one who forgot how to be social during the past 18 months of isolation?

Diverse Ways to Foster Community Among Remote, Hybrid and In-Person Teams

Creating a sense of community in the workplace is vital. Here are three tips that could help foster community for remote, hybrid and in-person teams.

Loafing Around with Breadwinner

Working with Breadwinner’s social network helped me cultivate a hungry sourdough starter — and connect with my neighbors and family.