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Posts by stephanie

Love Your Friends

Happy Galentine’s Day everyone!

TSOMI Showcases Data Issues and Racism in Wikipedia: Crowdsourced information is messy and lack of access suppresses many important and real stories

We built TSOMI in order to see the interconnections of people listed in Wikipedia. However, much of this data is missing or is incorrect.

The Sphere of My Influence Is Immeasurable: A playful interface to show how dynamic humans impress each other

Three years ago, my friend Robert Harris and I made a toy project to help some of our friends who were teaching in the humanities. They wanted ways to help their students understand who was connected to who. Being data visualization nerds, we wanted that too! We added connection lines and put people on a timeline in order to visually sift through who influenced who, and who were contemporaries.

Applying Open Source Principles to Increase Access to Medicine

Open source principles lower barriers for researchers to impact human health

Through the Open Source Malaria consortium, high school chemistry students took on the challenge of reproducing Daraprim, an essential medicine according to the World Health Organization. They shared the data they generated and received mentorship from scientists worldwide, successfully recreating the drug within a year.

Designing to Stop Night Terrors in Children

An iOS app distraught, sleep-deprived parents can use in a dark room to help their kids

By asking lots of good questions, Brendan Miller, our lead UX/UI designer, built a friendly, kind, and respectful interface that interacts with the Lully Sleep Guardian to cut down night terrors. Instead of watching, unable to help, parents can reset a healthy sleep pattern and eliminate night terrors.

Open Source the Bio Lab—Make a Difference in Malaria Research

Malaria is a disease that most of us are familiar with because of its devastatingly high death toll. According to the CDC, in 2010 an estimated 216 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide and 655,000 people died — that’s approximately 1,550 people every day. While many groups are valiantly working on treating malaria or searching for a cure, they haven’t been consistently working together, which means many lab experiments are redundant.

Testing Paperclip Extensions in Isolation

thoughtbotRecently, Cloud City Development was tasked with a project that included cropping an image upload in a number of squares of varying sizes based upon user selection. In order to accomplish this, we set out to write an extension to the paperclip library, which can be a hassle. Because this project already used paperclip, switching to something like dragonfly or carrierwave was not an option. This left us with test-driving the implementation with paperclip in RSpec.
