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Posts by evan

Working with iBeacons on iOS - Zero to BLE Bonus

For as little as $5, develop your very own personal Tile or Trackr knockoff.

Now that you've gotten started developing for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices on iOS using the Core Bluetooth framework, it's time to talk about iBeacons. In this bonus installment of our Zero to BLE with iOS primer, Evan K. Stone shows you how to use a Estimote iBeacon to track your luggage through its journey to you at the airport.

Zero to BLE on iOS – Part Three

Swift BLE tutorial will have you connecting and interacting with the Internet of Things (IoT) in no time at all!

In this third and final installment of our Zero to BLE with iOS primer, Evan K. Stone updates Apple’s sample demo app, which was last revised in 2012, and converts it from Objective-C to Swift. While the revised sample app’s behavior is similar to the original, it behaves slightly differently, going beyond what the demo accomplishes to cover advanced topics such as Disconnection and Reconnection; Backgrounding; and State Preservation and Restoration.

Zero to BLE on iOS – Part Two - Swift Edition

Ready to contribute to the Internet of Things? Learn the key to success with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and develop an iOS app with Swift.

In Part 2-Swift Edition of the Zero to BLE on iOS, Evan K. Stone shows you how to develop an iOS app with Swift 2. He'll introduce you to the Texas Instruments SensorTag and then walk you through the creation of a mobile app that displays the current temperature and humidity.

Zero to BLE on iOS – Part Two

New wearable devices are everywhere and consumers expect your apps to communicate with their iPads and iPhones out of the box.

Today we use the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard to do this. Our primer introduces the BLE standard, explains how delegates function, and presents a basic development workflow.

Zero to BLE on iOS - Part One

Get your apps communicating in this Internet of Things era.

Our Zero to BLE on iOS primer will have you gathering information from whatever the newest, hottest wearable mobile device is and sharing that information with your consumer's primary mobile device--iPhones and iPads. Evan K. Stone introduces basic concepts you'll need for developing for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), such as the terms Peripheral and Central; Advertising or Discovery; and commonly used classes like CBCentralManager, CBPeripheral, and more.