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Designers rely on various software and services to bring their visions into reality. But which tools are worth your time and money? And, which ones aren’t?

Brendan Miller, one of our Cloud City Development designers and animators, kicks off The Designer’s Toolbox Series (#TheDesignersToolbox) with a comparison between Sketch and Adobe Photoshop.

First characteristic he looks at in the showdown? File size.

Why file size? Because it’s rare that designers don’t pass files back and forth between team members and clients. And, everyone wants to increase the raw and perceived speed of web experiences.

Watch Brendan’s side-by-side throwdown of Sketch and Adobe Photoshop to see which tool generates the smallest file size.

What tips do you have for keeping file size low for your graphics? Do you use Sketch over Adobe Photoshop?

Brendan is a visual design director specializing in UI/UX and general product design stuffs, and is absolutely not three cats stacked on top of each other in a trench coat. Pulling from 10+ years of experience in the UI/UX field and his background in illustration and animation, he quickly but thoughtfully builds mockups and flows for all edge cases. He works closely with developers, diving into HTML, CSS, and Git without hesitation.

Contact us for a complimentary 30 minute consultation.

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